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San Diego Asset Protection Attorneys

Protecting Your Property in a High Asset Divorce

Assisting Clients With Potentially Risky Investments

If you have obtained a prospectus and are interested in investing in a product, venture, real estate deal or other enterprise, you may be concerned about how to arrange for the protection of your personal assets from the risks involved in any investment.

At , our attorneys provide investors with skilled asset protection counsel based on a thorough understanding of California and federal corporate and investment law. To schedule a free, no-obligation consultation, contact us today at our offices in San Diego.

Helping Clients Screen Off Personal and Business Assets

If you are investing in any sort of business enterprise, whether as an individual or as part of a partnership or joint venture, you likely want to protect yourself and your family by screening off your personal assets from your business investments.

We use a variety of structures — including estates, corporations and limited liability companies (LLCs) — to help clients protect their assets from potential risks.

These risks include but are not limited to business bankruptcy and exposure to employee liability, product liability, premises liability, or any other type of commercial liability. Asset protection can also play an important role in estate planning.

Taking Every Step to Protect Investors From Liability

If asset protection devices are not set up properly, the corporate formalities are not observed, and personal and business assets are commingled, investors can find themselves liable for business debts and judgments under the legal concept of veil-piercing.

Areas of Practice